Valuation reports

Thorough and comprehensive consultation as well as the compilation of valuation reports can be necessary for different reasons and thus the structure, methodology and legal basis of the valuations are accordingly different. The following table provides a short overview:

Reason Aim Legal basis Approach* 
Acquisition / amortisation Commercial value / market value BauGB [Town and country planning code], ImmoWertV [Property valuation regulation] Cost / income / comparison value
Settlement of an estate Commercial value / market value BauGB, ImmoWertV Cost / income / comparison value
Separation Commercial value / market value BauGB, ImmoWertV Cost / income / comparison value
Mortgaging Collateral value BelWertV [Regulation on the determination of collateral value] / Pfandbriefgesetz [Pfandbrief Act] Cost / income / comparison value
Inheritance / gift Fiscal commercial value BewG (Bewertungsgesetz) [Valuation law] Cost / income / comparison value
Balancing of accounts Commercial value / fair value IAS 40, IFRS Income value, comparison value
Rent adjustment Customary rent for that location  BGB [German civil code], rental agreement Comparison value
Arbitration award Customary rent / commercial value for that location BGB, rental agreement Depending on the reason
Court opinion Customary rent / commercial value for that location Evidence order Depending on the reason

Particular rights and burdens which influence the values are often taken into consideration in the valuation. One of our tasks is to correctly calculate these influences:

  • Heritable building right
  • Usufruct
  • Life estate
  • Easement
  • Life annuity
  • Public easements
  • Monument protection
  • Redevelopment
  • Reallocation of property rights
  • Inherited liability


* Only recognised approaches appropriate for the valuation task are applied. These are usually the comparative approach (direct or indirect comparison with statistical analysis), the income approach (as top slice/layer or term and reversion method) and/or the cost approach including national and international varieties. Where useful and if desired, non-standardised approaches are also used as supplements to these approaches and for plausibility purposes (e.g. discounted cash flow calculation, Monte Carlo simulation, Ellwood analysis, residual value calculation).



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Hans-Peter Westermann
Brodschrangen 4
20457 Hamburg

Telefon: +49-40-35 74 37 30
Telefax: +49-40-35 74 37 31


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